二十多年前 居家香港的年代跑過不少地方,看過許多風景,還有令人難以忘懷各地風土人情。時光流轉,二十多年就這麼飛逝了,許多風景依舊優美,卻和當年有了差異,最明顯的發生在新興城鎮及大都會的風景線 cityscape. 草木有情,它們亦因週遭環境的變動而變化,步調雖則更為遲緩。下面第一張拼圖中即為在千禧年初旅遊各地所攝的花樹集錦,猜想今日人們在應時的季節中依舊能欣賞這些美好的花樹:
香港 鳳凰花
福建武夷山 油桐花
台灣鳳凰花 樹苗
美國 Alaska 「金鏈花」 Laburnum × waterer, commonly called golden chain tree

Chinese fringe Tree *
*Chionanthus retusus, the Chinese fringetree, is a flowering plant in the family Oleaceae. It is native to eastern Asia: eastern and central China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. It is a deciduous shrub or small to medium-sized tree growing to 20 metres in height, with thick, fissured bark. Wikipedia
April 2021
Summer Flowering Trees
1. 銀樺 2. 藍花楹 3. 巴金生豆 *
* Parkinsonia aculeata is a species of perennial flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. Common names include palo verde, Mexican palo verde, Parkinsonia, Jerusalem thorn, jelly bean tree, palo de rayo, and retama - Wikipedia (右下圖)
More flowering trees in N. California :
4. 巴金生豆 5. 紫玉蘭 Magnolia** 6. 合歡花 Persian silk tree
** Magnolia Liliiflora 紫玉兰 : 木兰科木兰属,又名木兰、辛夷(江苏)、木笔(花镜)、望春、女郎花,为中国特有植物,分布在中国大陆的云南、福建、湖北、四川等地 - 維基百科
Snowy blizzard of falling cherry blossoms
京都公園中的 “櫻吹雪” 老照片 x 2
2009 Kansai, Japan
Closeups of Cheery blossoms
7. 北加的櫻花 & 8. 台北早春的櫻花
From Northern California to Taipei, Taiwan

9. Japanese Crape Myrtle
Northern California
is native to Japan, and can reach up to 8 feet in height, or be pruned much shorter for a more compact form. It thrives in sunny locations, and is resistant to pests and disease, making it an easy addition to any garden - culled from online information
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