拼貼圖集錦 - Gifts from Nature


大自然的餽贈 - Gifts from Nature  

A splash of beautiful sights found near or far in our daily lives 

5/25/2024(rev. 7/6/2024)

前奏曲 Prelude 

蝸居中舉頭見家徒四壁  四壁之外卻是海濶天空  

During the three years pandemic, people were confined by the four walls os their homes.  Go out of your doors and embrace Mother Nature!


遠在天邊 近在咫尺 

They are right around us near and far


 Leading characters : Trees / 主角:群樹圖相集錦


(clockwise) A big oak tree 橡樹;Gingko tree 銀杏樹 in autumn; an old banyan tree 鬚根飄飄的老榕樹 (Taiwan)

Spring, summer, autumn and winter of trees


Watercolor by Grace

A day by the lake 
Multimedia collage*within collage

*Torn paper collage w/dried cottonwood tree leaves & papercut human figures 攝影照片+撕紙畫+剪紙拼貼組合圖片

Fallen leaves in autumn (clockwise):

北美溫帶落葉林 Deciduous trees 許多樹木到秋季樹葉轉色或黃或紅,一時之間滿山遍野澄黃橘紅相當奪目

Sycamore leaves; a skeleton leaf (一片手撕落葉); poplar leaves (楊樹); Gingko tree‘s (銀杏樹) yellow leaves made into flowers & pear tree (梨樹) 繽紛多彩的落葉

 Indigenous flowers and fruits/seeds 草木花果 (clockwise) 
道旁胡椒樹一串串紅色的胡椒和 野生大茴香 

pepper seeds & Anise flowers
Northern California 

Indoor plants as decoration items, gifts from nature
置於室內的觀賞植物 (clockwise):

Trailing vine in a woven swan container; succulent plant in clay pot ; On wooden display shelves are assortment of seeds and pod's including acorns, pine corns, Japanese maple seeds, Jacaranda seed pod; hydrangea flower in an old teapot 

方格展示架陳列不同植物的種子或果莢:包括橡子、不同類的松果、日本紅楓的種子, 藍花楹種子莢;破壺的第二生

Supporting characters: Animals, wild or domesticated 
    配角:野生動物家畜及寵物 (Clockwise) :

A heron, waterfowl including Canadian geese & pair of deer 

Animal paintings: wild and domesticated, imagined or real
動物繪圖 (clockwise ) :

Pastel tiger by Jennifer; cartoon cat, watercolor piglet & stuffed cat by Grace; oil goldfish by Ellery; watercolor dog by Grace

Local waterfowls & wild birds
湖邊無所不在的水禽和野鳥 (clockwise) :

A Canadian goose 加拿大雁 led a group of gosling's;white egret 鷺鷥;heron 蒼鷺 & California quails 加州鵪鶉

Our deer neighbors 

San Jose, CA

Paper cut Animals and else

A crow, panda bear, hummingbird, 3-dimensional Chinese character:Spring 剪紙「春」字,a hiker 道行人,paper cut Chinese dragon 筆雕中國龍

Paper cut by Grace

Coda and food for thought

What did we learn from the Pandemic?

