City Birds
1/6/2024 (rev. w/additions from 2021 version)
居家城市的鳥兒 California scrub jay / watercolor
「小隱隱於野,大隱隱於市」相傳出自漢朝東方朔,是指閒逸瀟灑的生活不一定要到林泉野徑去才能體會得到,更高層次隱逸生活是在都市繁華之中,在心靈淨土獨善其身,找到一份寧靜 - 百度百科
鳥兒比我們聰明,牠們和人類做為鄰居已有數百萬年,知道城𥚃比在野外生活容易,況且牠們多半體型嬌小外貌可人,又不佔人類的地盤,彼此相安無事豈不快哉? (gl)
Rooftop Paradise of Birds*
Taipei, Taiwan
A sparrow looking for food perched on a gabage can
N. California, USA
Bird looking over the world from above
N. California, USA
Birds on the wire 電線桿上的鳥兒
Two crows chatting on the wire
A pen and ink sketch Taipei,Taiwan剪紙烏鴉
A paper-cut crow
捉到一隻小蟲 Momma scrub jay caught a worm
*California scrub Jay
San Jose, CA
Baby swallows in their nest waiting to be fed (left 左下)
Mother swallow waited on the board
built by residents under the Qilou 騎樓 (right 右下)
Taipei, Taiwan

Malayan Night Heron
Usually found in parks or large swaths of green field in the city
Taipei, Taiwan
California Acorn Woodpecker 加州 橡樹啄木鳥
Red-headed Woodpecker* 紅腹啄木鳥
* The red-bellied woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker of the family Picidae. It breeds mainly in the eastern United States, ranging as far south as Florida and as far north as Canada. Wikipedia
Photo courtesy: Lun-yen Wei 魏綸言
Seagulls in McCovey Cove where the SF Giants Stadium is located. They’ve been waiting through the baseball game until the last inning (9th) to reap the rewards left by audiences
Soft tipped brush artist pen
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