樹織 II Tree Weaving Designs II
A picture of trees etched on a garden wall 圍牆上的樹影
Likened to be ancient geological fossil records, the trees also left their markedly lively silhouette on the ground or walls where they once called home
Newly cut tree branches or vines under the natural elements of sun, wind and rain, their pictorial records would soon be erased
Before too long new growth of same or another species
Planted their roots on the same location,
superseded the original obliterating the earlier record
Tree leaves design 葉織
A small lake in the neighborhood park
framed by several mature pepper trees lining the trail surrounding the lake
Take a tiny part of a branch from a big pepper tree
with willowy tip of leaves swaying in breeze
Put on a piece of fabric or paper by very steady hands
might’ve made an indelible image or art work
Tree branch design
Take a small portion of a winter tree stripped off most leaves
frame it horizontally with the nicely slanting limbs
Woven into a delicate design
Shadow weaving design 影織兩款
搖曳樹影 散落堆疊
參差花朶 墜墮花瓣
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