Rose Garden of Portland, Oregon
It’s fitting that one of the country’s most beautiful rose gardens is located in Portland, which is also called the City of Roses. Established in 1917, the International Rose Test Gardens offers visitors a fantastic view of the city, as well as Mount Hood. The original intent of the garden was to preserve the species of European roses that might be decimated in the bombings of WWI. Today, it is the oldest public test rose garden in the country and is home to 7,000 rose bushes - Nationaldaycalendar.com
The entrance way from SW Kingston Ave. where we entered was lined on edges with lilac colored Astilbe Chinensis pumila
落新婦 Astilbe Chinensis pumila
The garden opens before our eyes with blooming roses in spectrum of beautiful colors and thousands of varieties.

Here are a pair of roses with interesting color gradation : soft white on the edges of petals with gradients of pink moving toward the center of flowers

Another three with similar gradient color change only more prominent
Flower beds with mixed varieties of roses
A yellow rose on the brink of opening
Roses of two different colors in various stages of opening their petals

Single petal or Semi-double petal roses 單瓣或半重瓣 (12 - 16 瓣) 玫瑰
【註】玫瑰和薔薇 (英文名通稱rose)這類單瓣或半重瓣花應屬薔薇或是月季花
初接觸玫瑰的人通常會被玫瑰、薔薇二個名詞所混淆,玫瑰、薔薇和月季有何差異,如何區別呢?薔薇科(Rosaceae)薔薇屬(Rosa)的植物約有二百個原生種及超過三、四萬個雜交(栽培)品種,由於品種甚多,實際數量難以精確估算,這些植物在國外通稱為Rose,即所謂的薔薇。在原生種當中有一款特別品種,其葉有皺褶,葉脈紋路深且枝幹密生利刺,花謝後會結形狀扁圓,色澤鮮紅晶瑩的果實,這個品種即是玫瑰(Rosa rugosa)。
因此,玫瑰其實是薔薇科薔薇屬之一個種名而以,除了Rosa rugosa稱為玫瑰外,其他的品種理當通稱為薔薇,不過國內長久習慣以玫瑰來稱薔薇科薔薇屬的植物了。
相較於中國大陸,他們稱原生種為野生薔薇,稱非原生古老品種為古老月季,稱現代品種為現代月季,而他們所謂的月季,即是我們在台灣通稱的玫瑰。另月季花(Rosa chinensis)和中國大陸目前所稱的月季,其含義是不相同的 - 認識玫瑰: Rosetalk.ivd.tw
For English readers, here’s an article which provides more facts about Rose:
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