Japanese garden of Portland, Oregon

Japanese garden of Portland, Oregon 

Pathway leading to
Japanese garden

Antique gate of the Japanese Garden

A vintage point view of “Sand and stone garden” on higher ground

A stream of serene waterfall coming down through green shrubbery 
and rocks covered with moss 

A wooden ”Moon Bridge“ over a tiny pond in the thick of greenery 
Perfect place for tourists to stop and ponder
while wandering around in the shades with cooling breezes

When you step up to the higher point of the garden you could see 
Mount Hood above the horizon in the background 

Tea house in Japanese Garden

A simple breakfast tea with Chazuke 茶泡飯*
*茶漬け,也叫茶泡饭,英文Chazuke, 是一种非常传统的日式家常菜。 百度百科上对它的解释如下: 在战国时代,日本的武士在行军作战中,用热茶泡米饭,加上佐料,即饮即食,可以在最短的时间内充饥提神


