路旁野草花 Sidewalk Flowers
春暖花開季節,隣近住家門前不是綠茵舖地,就是奼紫嫣紅一叢叢織錦般的地被植物 爭相兢艶
In the warm spring season, the front of the neighboring houses is either a green pavement, or a brocade-like ground cover of colorful clumps competing with each other.
Nature's Gorgeous Carpet
Armeria ‘Sea Pink’- Armeria maritima*
* Armeria maritima, the thrift, sea thrift or sea pink, is a species of flowering plant in the family Plumbaginaceae. It is a compact evergreen perennial which grows in low clumps and sends up long stems that support globes of bright pink flowers. In some cases purple, white or red flowers also occur. Wikipedia
針墊花 Pincushion flowers
Leucospermum Jody Jewell' (Jody Jewell Pincushion)*
中文名: 針墊花,又名風輪花、針墊包龍眼
针垫花属(Leucospermum),又名风轮花属,是山龙眼科下的属,包含了五十馀种开花植物,含针垫花(又名风轮花、针垫山龙眼)。 原发现于津巴布韦与南非,栖地包含灌木、森林与坡地等。 见正文。 针垫花属植物属于常绿灌木(少数为矮树),一般高度在半米到五米之间 維基百科
麥桿花 Straw flowers *
台北台灣 Taipei, Taiwan
*這花學名 Xerochrysumbracteatum,原產地在澳洲。 在熱帶可以是多年生。 其他俗名還有Paper Daisy,因為細細花瓣像紙一樣薄及脆。 又叫做 Everlasting Daisy,Straw Flower,Wallaby Flame等,中文名也叫臘菊。Jun 15, 2018。 https://www.ritagiang.com › article
台灣油桐花 Taiwan Tung blossoms 2020年春正值疫情初發無法出門至苗竹一帶賞落花紛飛美景,在家作此圖自娛 sketch w/ watercolor =>The spring of 2020 is the time when the epidemic of Taiwan tung flowers begins to bloom. Couldn’t go out to enjoy the beautiful scenery of falling flowers in the neighboring counties, I made this picture at home for self-entertainment instead (Above)
中國梧桐樹 Flowers of Chinese sycamore tree (Wu-Tung tree)
Visiting Wuyi Mountain in Fujian in search of good tea in the millennium, a sycamore tree (Wu-Tung tree) in full bloom in front of the owner's country house of the tea garden
千禧年間訪福建武夷山問茶 茶園莊主屋舍前一株開滿花朶梧桐
【註】油桐和梧桐是不同的植物 Taiwan Hakka Tung trees and Chinese sycamore trees (Wu-Tung tree) are not the same.
Taiwan Poinciana
凤凰木(学名:Delonix regia,英语:Poinciana)
凤凰木因鲜红或橙色的花朵配合鲜绿色的羽状复叶,被誉为世上最色彩鲜艳的树木之一。由于树冠横展而下垂,浓密阔大而招风,在热带地区担任遮荫树的角色 - 維基百科
水彩 watercolor

After walking in the trail, I plucked a wild California poppy near the parking lot and placed it on car dashboard
加州罌粟 California poppy *
It is cultivated as an ornamental plant flowering in summer (spring in southern Australia), with showy cup-shaped flowers in brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow (occasionally pink and white). It is also used as food or a garnish. It became the official state flower of California in 1903 - Wikipedia
天堂鳥花 Bird of paradise
Geraniums 天竺葵
Geraniums for window decoration
一扇向陽窗口,掛滿紅、黃和橘色花朶盆栽,這是法國南部村民生活中單純的樂趣,陽光照著燦開花朶,看來像是天竺葵 Geraniums 的花朶襯托出村民樂觀開朗的生活態度
More Hanging baskets of colorful flowers
North California
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