Inspiration from animal of all shapes and sizes

Inspiration from animal of all shapes and sizes

“ Flight of shades w/curving lines”
弧線和陰影組成的旋律 :  “你看到什麼了嗎?”


  “ 你能數出多少不同動物?”
How many animals can you find here in the picture?
Line drawing w/watercolor

Underwater world
Collage 撕紙畫 (made of a single magazine cover paper)

A postcard for our four legged friends
A collageentitled “Under the city lights/Moonlight Sonata” 
*Collage made of magazine covers and my own watercolor painting

The pandemic cats

“Pandemic Cats” series

Inspired by the vines of kiwi plant in the vase, two cartoon cats came to life in the pandemic time, thus the “Pandemic Cats” series was born

Three more cats are made of paper cutout of same prototype cat,
simply reverse the tail or have the head turn the other way, we have more cartoon cats here:
Artist Cat
A thinker &
 Philosopher Cat

“Origami Farm Animals”
Origami hen & chick, two pink piglets and a jumping frog

Origami courtesy: Jen (made at age 9)


