Our four legged friends
“Hi, buddy, feeling better today? “
“Did you have a haircut? You look different!”
“You first,“ “No, no, after you!“

法國鬥牛犬 一對姊妹花
A pair of lookalike French bulldogs
They’re sisters from different mothers, aged difference : 4 years apart
Personality of each is distinctly different as the younger one shows more energy than her elder sibling even though they got along in harmony under the same roof
一群互不相識的食客,在 Portland 一家有寬敞室外座位餐廳外等候用餐。沒多久狗群中就已打成一片,Maddie 爭取主動,在清一色柯基犬 Corgis 群中向其餘狗伴們問好 !
Social gathering ground for four leggers
Sketch with light watercolor
German shepherd belongs to a friend who lives in Santa Rosa. Being a shepherd dog, it instinctively protects its charge including its owners and their companions
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