Indoor, outdoor & patio plants
White amaryllis
Red amaryllis *
* 孤挺花屬(Amaryllis) 是石蒜科孤挺花族孤挺花亞族(Amaryllidinae)的唯一一個屬,是一類小型開花植物,下共二種,其中比較出名的是原產於南非西開普的南非孤挺花(Amaryllis belladonna),這一一種較常見的觀賞植物 - 維基百科Portuguese squill -
Scilla peruviana - below
* is a small genus of bulbous, spring-blooming perennials. ... They are fragrant flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily ...Wikipedia
Regal Pelargonium (Crane’s Bill)
Geraniums 天竺葵
The Regal Pelargonium has unmissable flowers that bloom in a trumpet shape. The flowers have six petals in bright purple, bright pink, pale pink, dark red, pillar box red or white. And the extravagance of the flowers is matched by the softness of the velvety leaves which also have a lovely scent.*

復活節百合仙人掌 Easter Lily Cactus **
** Echinopsis oxygona is a species of flowering plant in the cactus family Cactaceae, native to South Brazil, Uruguay and northern Argentina. Its features include: many robust spines, spherical shape, and a large flower, with sharply pointed lavender or white petals, and a fine faint scent - Wikipedia
Gold Lace Cactus - Mammillaria elongata - below right
Jelly Beans, Many Fingers
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