A Song of Hope

 This holiday season, I’m sending you a song I wrote

A Song of Hope

Originally written in (December, 2020resend 12/31/2022)

In the time of pandemic, almost a year so far, with immense human sufferings from wildfires and diseases, endless cacophonies risen from all corners of the earth, is it possible to find hope and see peace in the world ?” 

To begin with something hopeful

I’d like to show you

The sun still rises everyday and the 

Moon keeps on it’s journey ‘round the planet earth 

in a beautiful manifestation 

  of waxing and waning(盈和虛)

They will not simply stop ‘cause we humans felt hopeless 

  Trees still provide us with shades and timber

Flowers cheer us with tender love and gratitude 

Fruits of the earth feed us
and bring joy 

In the meanwhile 

Animals around us continue to live and thrive

See how they go on with their lives the same way everyday?

I still believe we have reasons to be hopeful for things to come around. When we pick ourselves up from rubbles and head toward the same goals with faith and humility, the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen soon!

*This is a song I wrote in the thick of pandemic in

December, 2020 with lyrics below:

A Song of Hope

The world does not stop, my dear

The sun still rises in the mornings

The moon goes on its journey ‘round the earth

The world does not stop, my dear

Flowers cheer us with tender love and gratitude 

Trees give us shades and timber

Fruits of the earth feed us and bring joy

The world does not stop, my dear

Singing birds chirp at dawn, night owls hoot at shadows

Animals in the wild goes on to live and thrive

So peaceful the world seems, a picture perfect paradise

The world does not stop, my dear

When wildfires reduced to ashes and diseases gone

A glimmer of hope sparked from darkness

With labor of love and spirit humble

The world will not stop, my dear!


