Cantonese Dim Sum
週末香港友人邀請我們到一家南灣餐廳,試吃他們的廣式點心。千禧年居家香港時,這對友人常帶我們四處吃廣東名菜 。北加廣東館子不少,但能得他們青睞的不多
位於 Sunnyvale 的這家餐廳,週末近午時,門口已排了一隊等候人群。不過餐點確實相當精緻可口:
圖片 1 & 2: 廣式/港式飲茶最常見的小點:蝦餃、燒賣、牛肉丸點心盤中有三只蛋撻
Some of the most commonly served Cantonese style dim sum are:
Har haw (shrimp dumplings), Siu mai and beef meatballs, first picture left hand corner : 3 egg custards

圖片 3: 再來就是叉燒包
BBQ pork buns
圖片 4: 煎蘿蔔糕也是庶民愛吃的點心
Fried radish cake (Cantonese style) is often found
on tables of common folk
Right hand top corner : BBQ pork/fried
pork belly platter
圖片 5: 炸兩 - 腸粉裹油條
Steamed rice noodle rolls wrapped with yoútiáo
three kinds of sauces with different colors and flavors are
placed right next to it for dipping
圖片 6: 叉燒肉+脆皮燒腩仔
蠔油芥蘭 + 沾醬
Another look at BBQ pork and fried pork belly at upper left corner
Right bottom : Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce
圖片 7: 最後一道糖水
Last but not least
Sweet soup: Red mung beans
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