A walk in the afternoon
It was a sunny afternoon, not too warm. There’s plenty of shades under the trees by the street
On my way I spotted three deer resting in the shade comfortably
a family of three!

兒子半開玩笑回應:就等著人類全走了,牠們可以重新取回原來的土地。可不是嗎,地表上人類尚未出現時,牠們早已居住在這地方 - Originally written in English in 2020 (see appendix)
《A Red Fox》
I had an interesting conversation with my son. While making his morning coffee, he looked through the kitchen window and saw a reddish animal, not much bigger then a big house cat. It’s a red fox, right on our front deck, looking at him without moving.
He added that it was the second time he saw the same animal near the house. I replied: They’re moving closer to us now. I suggested: it might have to do with the pandemic. People are staying in home and largely let the wild animals alone. Now they romper around in the field freely.
My son said half jokingly: They must have been waiting for men to die out so they can reclaim the land. True, they were around here on this land before we even existed in this world we thought belong to us humans.
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