Real Cat and Cartoon Cat Paintings II

 Real Cat and Cartoon Cat Paintings II 

貓咪大會串畫册 之二


A real black cat peeking out from its abode 

Los Angelos, CA

Pen and ink sketch of a kitten
with light color of grey for the fur 

An incredible shrinking cat from its pre-life 
來自 Daiso dime store 的一張小紙碟

Two prototype cats (from same cutout of a cat, tail reversed)
left: Artist cat
right: Cat who came from the cold 


Pandemic Cats - 
Masked Cats Series

蒙面貓系列 -inspired by an ordinary piece  of kiwi vines, a cartoon cat was born donning a mask and getting itself tangled in various mischief
What’s the thing it tried to catch?
下左:Look what a mess it made!

 A patchwork cat found in a gift shop.  
You can use it for patting as a pet.  You can use it as a wrist rest writing calligraphy or just to rest your wrist.  You can also use it to cover your eyes for resting them allowing no light getting through
Indeed a multi-purpose Cat 

