Additional Easy Dishes 簡易便餐

 Additional easy dishes for family


9/22/2021(updated 6/12/2023)

We’ve been starting to eat more fresh salad lately for health purposes.  Among the few salad greens, all prefers arugula as the main ingredient in salad.  Mixed in with shredded or diced carrots , celery or whatever veggies you like.  Recently we added fruits, particularly canned fruits such as mandarin oranges, dry raisins or cranberries, and fresh cubed strawberries to add colors.  Here in the picture below we added fresh ripe avocado to provide texture variation 增加口感的層次

Salad dressing we used simply balsamic vinegar, added olive oil and sprinkled the salad w/ optional salt and pepper.  Then top it with cheese of your choice, here I used cottage cheese


Easy lunch salad to make

The following two dishes are my common table varieties whipped up in minutes before meal.  Both use onions and ground meat, pork or turkey meat thrown in other ingredients you like to add colors or enhance the look.  I use eggs and fresh goji berries and basil in one, you can also use cherry tomatoes sliced in half for colors 

Tomato & cucumber salad with Mozzarella cheese

It’s a common dish appearing on my daughter’s table numerous times courtesy: Alon 

They’ve been growing vegetables in own yard and have fresh tomatoes in all sizes and colors

Below left is a pizza got from “Blazing Pizza”
with “Make your own pizza” by selecting own toppings 
easy to do at home by getting a frozen pizza dough                           
On the right, a salad dish 
with cooked potatoes, fish and eggs  
A complete meal!
Courtesy: Cara

Oxen tail noodle soup

Grandkids super love Po-po’s mi-fen!

第一回吃外婆炒的米粉,兩歲大的外孫說 : “Super yummy!”

Easy lunch meal to treat a group of 6 people 

前些日子在家請了幾位朋友來午聚,我們以家常菜饗客:餐桌上僅有四樣菜:我的台灣炒米粉(這是主菜有兩大盤), 老公做的牛肉涼菜:紅燒小牛腱切厚片 (+) Q彈牛筋片w/蔥花澆頭。另外一盤大蒜炒蠶豆,外加小菜兩碟(not shown).



  1. Hi Grace! It all looks so good I feel like licking the screen. It's all beautiful.


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