My Coloring Book - Flowers

My Coloring Book

on  Flowers


Two pages from “Secret Garden” by Joanna Basford 

colored by Grace Liu

A page fromBotanicals” by Lisa Congdon 

Colored by Grace Liu

Two more pages from “Botanicals”

Two pages from “Sweet Whimsy” by Paula Mills
Colored by Grace Liu

From the coloring book “ Secret Garden” to the later work
as those in “Botanicals” & “Sweet Whimsy”
A gradual change from more detailed or more careful attempt
to color every blank space and within boundary lines 
to less
I did “Botanicals &“Sweet Whimsyroughly 12 months apart
Either I got tired of spending too much time
or simply devised an easier way to accomplish the projects
There’re space left partially undone or 
space completely left out without coloring 
Yet I considered them finished

The above coloring sample shows
different coloring strokes 
while leaving a large portion of 
blank spaces for 
a translucent effect

In this Christmas holly coloring picture 
colors were applied selectively 
with the effect individual holly plants appear
separate from one another 
by skipping and leave blank 
each and every other holly plant

